Monday 28 April 2008

Oh the pain!

Hello! A totally pollen-medicine drugged Tiffany here. It's absolutely horrible! My nose won't stop running and my eyes itchies like hell and if it's really bad my throat starts to act all funny. Pollen allergics are crap! You can not do anything, in the summer, without being bombed on medicine. It sucks and everyone out there who goes through the same thing, amen!

Finally the week when we're going to France has come. Which also means two freedays, thursday and friday (1th May and no school on friday). I've been really relieved being done with the history assignment, now I just have to worry about the standardize test in math the monday right after we've come home. It'll be alright...I guess (not!). OH and I forgot! We have to present our project work in front of our fellow frenchmen and just 2 weeks after we've come home it has be done, ouch!

This blogg have taken ages for me to write, suddenly in the middle of the blog I felt a freakin pain in my right arm. I haven't been training or anything special today, it just came from no where! It's like my whole arm is strained, muscles being very tense. I have let it hang straight down from the chair because it's less painfull. I've tried to massage it, shake it off, lay down, yeah almost everything. It doesn't work! What the hell is wrong?
So I'm finishing this blog writing only with my left arm, feeling like a freakin' invalid. XD

I haven't blogged anything serious for ages and I know I've promised. You know what since I have two days off and (between packing and finding a present to my french family) I'll upload a new video. :D Requests anyone? XD
And don't forget: :D

Picture of the day:

Me at Galerie Lafayette last summer. I can hear the emo kids screaming of joy. XD

Friday 25 April 2008

Fjortis problems

Haya guys, long time no write XD I've been kinda busy this week with school and stuff, but finally it's coming to a break. First we come day off around 1th May then it's off to Paris and Nantes! :D
If you might have missed that it's my class going on a schooltrip to France, first stopping in Paris then to Nantes, we have an exchange programme with a school down there. So I'll be gone for a week, if I'm able to get to a computer I promise to write some :D

This week have been pretty normal, hectic and sunny. We (me and partner) finally finished our History project/assignment- writing a historical newspaper. It was loads of fun, we've mixed some catholic views with a touch of modern day. It'd going to be great when we print the pages out this monday. Putting together all the articles, adding pictures and lines was NOT easy I can tell you. Btw, here's a sneak peak :D (Bigger picture:

I've been watching Jonas Brothers on the Oprah show and I've realized how freakin' big they are, for real. It's very frustrating sometimes, for me, the hysteria is compared with the Beatles all the time (can you get that? XD)!
I sometime feel like just letting go, you know just being happy with liking them and enjoing the music and like keeping it to myself. I think a part of me have and it makes me sad, I have somehow become this ultimate fan, crazy fan, (which I can sincerely say that I wish I wasn't) then you're not content with keeping it all to yourself. Everytime I think of them coming here, their movie coming out and everyhting like that, I would jsut liek to stop everyhting cuz I know it'll get bigger and bigger. A part of me don't want that, it's big enough as it is!
Sorry for my "fjortis problem" but I just need it to get out. I've been denialing it all this time.

But it makes me so happy and even make me like them even more, it's during all this time with millions of screaming girls and paparazzi's they're still humble and grounded and take their time to do regular thing and make this world a better place.
I found myself sitting here and watching a 8 minutes long video with 3 of them visiting a school on Eath's day and planting a tree. It's really beautiful.

Monday 21 April 2008

I'm stuck in a coommmaaaa!

Huhu, pretty crazy how fast I've been almost addicted to this song. Can't be saved-Senses Fail, yupp I've been playing GuitarHero again...XD Anyway here's the rest of the story.

My mother came home, which felt like after 10 years and I felt like I was saved. Phew! But no, she started to order me around making me make tea.
Tea? What tea?! Pls, I know how to make tea I drink tea all the time but I knew it wasn't that kind of tea my mother was talking about. It was chinese tea, which she always has when her friends are over, with tea leaves and the tea pot and stuff. XD You know what, I've never done this kind of tea before in my ENTIRE life. I improvised, I didn't know how much leaves to put in or how much water, I didn't know what kind of cups my mum would like me to use, nothing. After like 15 minutes I came out with something that looked like tea as it should. I made myself not to look at them, I was so embarrassed.
After pouring up tea I quickly disappeared into my sister and brothers room, why? I didn't know what I was thinking, what do I do now? I was still too high-strung to settle down and read my Japanese book. I considered to play Wii or just turn on the computer again (which I turned off just before they came), this took like a couple of minutes, staring out the window thinking of what to do. Lack of anything better I sat down and watched TV.
My mum calls for me, she told me to come out and eat cake with them. I was like NOOOOO!
But I had to, it would have been too rude (not that I hadn't been rude enough)! I came into the livingroom cut a piece of cake sat down quietly and ate my cake. Still made me not look at any of them.

After a while I gained some confidence, started casually looking around and occasionally look at them. Well, it was pretty ok now, you know with my mum there. My mum was talking (and talking) with her friend. I began to wonder, why in the world did her son agree to come here? I would NEVER gone to my mums friends house without knowing who the hell they were. XD I tried to make out where they came from and if they knew Swedish.
Briefly the adults talked about the womans son and I realized he was much older than I thought. Then it was confirmed that they lived in Sweden, because he, apparently, had worked in loads of different cities in Sweden. And out of nowhere I asked what I read in school, in Swedish, and I hoped with all of my heart that he understood me and could answer in Swedish. But with all of the weirdness already being out today, there couldn't possibly be any more (what?!), gladly he answered. He had this kinda cute another Swedish accent. Anyway, then he asked me some of my school and I asked some more and then he asked something more. You could absolutely classify that as a conversation, I swear!

I was really glad, I dont know why but I felt that I could be totally honest with this guy, really sincere. Then somehow my mum had told her friend that I played the guitar and it turned out that this woman loved playing the guitar but never got the chance to learn properly. (What are th odds? I mean come on..)
Of course my mum suggest me to play something for our guests. As weird as everything had been that day, I was even eager to play, to show off.XD Just before we've talked about my hobbies and I had told him that I played the guitar or I'm learning and that I've played like for 5 months now.
So we went into my room. I've never, never, been ashamed of my room. Maybe you haven't been in my room but I have, not many (!) but I have these posters of Jonas Brothers, Heroes and I still have that giant fabric scrool of Naruto hanging on my wall. Never in my whole life I wished I had a less personal room. XD
Anyway I played some for them, Please be mine (of course XD) but I didn't sing though. In a way that was pretty weird I knew I wanted to but I just didn't do it. Then we talked some more, came into playing music and then just music in general. It turned out he pretty much liked the music that I liked which is odd...XD But yeah it was pretty cool and it ended up with us talking, he was genuinly impressed by my guitar skills that I could have learned so much on such short time, his mum had went out to the livingroom again. Afterwards we went out to and the rest of my family came home and everything got normal again.

I think this was most of the story now. It was pretty funny afterwards we knew much of each others life now but we didn't know each others names. But I guess that's not essential in modern conversations anymore..XD

Sunday 20 April 2008

Raise your hands up in the air and scream..

Attention Camp Rock-ers! Tons of things have been released in such short time. The official Disney website is up, with clips (OMG if you haven't seen the one Joe teaching the calss dancing you're gonna flip!), new pics and some pre/view/listening of new songs such as "Who will I be" by Mitchie and "Too cool" by Tess. There are also (Shane's verision) I gotta find you with parts not seen/heard before, it's amazing can't wait for the whole song!!!
Also yesterday Disneychannel released the music video of "We Rock" which is abolutely awesome! I must admit for being a such crazy JB fan I don't like the song very much but the chorus is just so freckin' catchy!
Watch it here:

I had a even weirder day yesterday, on top of the weird week that have passed. So it's Saturday, I have loads of things to do, begin at my Japanese presentation for this wedensday, some chinese, rehearse my lines for my theatre play and maybe even start thinking about my new speech for thursday. I end up rewriting my french presentation and learnt a new song on my guitar (Thats just the way we roll ;)! Huhu XD
I had planned to do all the schoolwork in the afternoon, but I was on the computer for a really long time, too long. Then my parents went out to some friends, my sister had chinese class and then my brother went out to play football. I was home alone and just was about to begin the preparation for my Japanese presentation.

Someone rings at the door. I see that it's a chinese woman, probably a friend of my mum. I open, yes she seeks my mother. I said she was not at home and she suggested to call my mum and I did. My dad answered,
There's a woman searching for mum outside our door!
He told me to let her in and that they were coming home as fast as they could.
OOOOOKKEEEEEJJJ. It turned out that this woman has her older son with her and I invite them in, I show them the livingroom and they sit down in the sofa. EHHHMMMM WHAT NOW?! My mind went totally blank, I went into the kitchen and washed the dishes!!! I didn't WHAT TO DO! I've never seen these people in my entire life what was I supposed to do? I didn't want to be rude, so I asked if they wanted to drink anything. They didn't..of course.
I was like running through livingroom, where they sat and went into my room. Stared out of my window wishing with all my heart that my dads car would appear. It didn't.......Panic!
I could hear them talking in this other accent of Chinese which I don't understand.

You can't possibly imagen the embarrassment (if you haven't been in the same situation). I was in my room I was so freakishly helpless I couldn't even sit down. I walked round and round in my room, trying to figure out what the hell to do! I was insanely restless I didn't know what was in or out.
For a second I thought, okej act normal. I tried to read in my Japanese book, I remembered I read some sentences but I didn't what the hell I was reading or if I just saw words! Time passes and I felt really rude, what would be the best was if I talked to them as they were waiting for my mum. I thought could I do that? WHAT the hell was I suppossed to say huh?!?! I walked out to kitchen again, passing the livingroom, AWKWARDNESS!
The thing was I didn't know what I did! My body did things that my brain hadn't control over. Panic some more in the kitchen, thought this is just not happening to me. I went into my room again, passin the livingroom I remember glancing over at the woman, she knew I was looking at her and immediately looked down on her knees. OMG I thought I'd just die right there. [to be continued, tomorrow]

Thursday 17 April 2008

Keeps getting weirder..

Guys, the week started out all weird and it's getting weirder.

So this Tuesday I decided to take the bike to school, I usually don't on Tuesday because I have P.E and that would be a little overkill XD, I don't know what made me do it but it was like some weird intuition or something. I came to school a little bit later than I usually comes on tuesdays and thought that they all ready went into the dressingroom, but they hadn't in fact was almost the whole calss stood outside the dressingrooms..waiting. 5 minutes passes....10 minutes passes. He's 5 minute's late and that's unusual he knows how mad we get if we don't get tiem to get dressed! Then we send one person to go look at the TV if it said anything about our P.E lesson being cancelled. She comes back 2 minutes after and yes it was cancelled.
Then the rest of they day went by and before my last lesson which is Speech, I remember I really felt like skipping that class, my friends were going home (they don't have that lesson) and I had to stay in school for 2 more hours! Gggrrrr! Anyway, I went...of course, and for once almost everyone came to Speech and we wait....and we wait. Our Speech teacher she is never late, so figured out that she wouldn't come. Ggggrrr again! When I went down to my locker, don't I see on the TV that my Speech teacher is absent today.

Wednesday, all wednesdays are very short and unserious Then out of nowhere they told us that it was today people were coming here to talk about jobs and stuff. (We'd filled out a form saying which jobs interessted us the most). And those little meeting/lectures was after school! I don't know what they thought of! Anyway, I chose to listen to some Journalists and some people working with marketing, advertising. It was pretty interessting though.

Today, getting off with only 2 lessons. Thursdays being the absolutely longest day turned out to be very short. Speech (yes she came back XD) but she let us go an hour earlier, which was nice. Then I had history,a te some lunch then it was heading back home. Only that I almost ran over a stupid pigeon, doesn't pigeons fly?! Not this one, it was walking on the bikeway but I thought it would fly away as I came nearer. WTF? It didn't so I had to make an emergency right turn and almost ran into a road sign. Frickin' BIRD! Just a few metres from home I got attacked by a plastic bag. It was lying on the ground and when I came by with my bike it flew up, getting stuck on my right foot, I tried to get it off and watching the road at the same time. AAAHHH get off!
There were these two old women who stood there talking, must have thought I was a freak or something...XD

And what's up with the twitching in my right eye?!

Monday 14 April 2008

I did not do this..

Haya, you guys won't believe this even I don't believe it sometimes. I wrecked my laptop!! It is crazy!
This was some days ago but I haven't told anyone or made it official because it felt like it haven't happend if I didn't talk about it.
But I can not escape from the bitter truth, well not entierly, I didn't wreck like wrecked the whole computer. It's the CD-ROM thing, where you put in CDs and stuff, you can not open it. The putton you're supposed to push have been stuck inside its hole. I have no frickin' idea of how it happend but I suspect it happend sometime when I took it with me to school in my backpack (I haven't gotten these fancy computerbag yet) and I took the bike to school, the backpack being in the handlebar basket. I can't say that my road to school is completely plain, there are some bumpy roads, but not much!
Anyway I'm like still under denial and my dad had to call the sony VAIO support line and make them take my computer to fix it and stuff. (I think I'll cry) I hope they fix it fast, I can't forgive myself if anything goes wrong with my laptop and I JUST GOT IT! I am not the kind of person who wreck stuff och forgets stuff all over the place. I'm a neat person I am organized, this is a totally setback for me.

It was long time ago I blogged about something serious. I thought I had time to do it today but nope, I had a french book review to do. :( I'll do it soon I promise! Why don't you read some at my school's blog:

Just a recap of today (?). My weekend have been insanely hectic, starting and finishing a geography presentation project, which went totally crap today. I never got the time to practice what to say and soem parts I didn't know what to say. I knew I could have done a much better project with a powerpoint presentation and better prepared but I've got too little time and there's nothing else I can do. I did my best.
While presenting it, everything was a mess, I didn't know what do say and what I did say was totally incoherently (I think). My over-head pictures were all a mess, I didn't know which one to put on. Anyway it is done now, I am not proud of it but it's done.

And I haven't even mentioned my music class. First of all, we didn't have English class because the teacher is doing this onational oral test with some groups and not mine. Because of that I totally lost track of time. Me and my friends even sat in the cafeteria talking way after we were finished. I glance over at the clock and thought that I didn't start until one hour. Then suddenly my friend says (because they don't have music class);
Tffany don't you have music class .
Well yeah but I doesn't start until an hour right..

NO, english ended long time ago
I ran out, threw everthing into the washer thing, ran outside to the annexe (where I have music). For a centisecond I saw black, SHIT, my music teacher was like the only teacher who didn't open the door if you came late, SHIT SHIT SHIT! Outside I almost ran over two from my music class, I was delighted to see them. I asked why they wasn't on the music, they said it was canceled and that they had waited and waited for the teacher to come but he didn't.
OMG! THANK YOU! I was so grateful, just right this day I'd be late it was cancelled I thought there had to been some higher powers helping me that day..XD

Picture of the day:

This is the book I'm doing a review of, interessted?

Thursday 10 April 2008

Talking or not talking to your hairdresser

Yupp, school is killing me and I actually don't have time to write but I don't care. XD I'm not going to whine about it maybe later......

I went to the hairdressers to cut my hair this Tuesday and nobody had noticed ityet. :'(
Hahaha, no it's alot shorter. Well I think I'm basically bald but that's just me. Thought it would be nice to have shorter now to the summer and all.
I went to this hairdresser my mum knows, her chinese friend. It was at this kinda deserted place with a really small saloon (?) with nobody else there. What do you do when you get your hair cut? Do you read the magazines? I considered many times to pick up one of these housewives magazines but I didn't.
I haven't been through this before, I've been to the hairdressers before but I don't remember being this restless and pretty uncomfortable. I used to get my hair cut at my friend's, she's studying hairdressing programme in school and she's really good, but I didn't want to bother her this time. We have no trouble conversing, we don't usually meet that much so we have much to talk about.
Anyway, I was like; Doesn't hairdressers go to this how-to-converse course? Mine hadn't, obviously. What do you talk about with your hairdresser? It's supposed that the hairdresser that's talks to you, right?

Also I just came home from watching the theatre play, Shakespeare´s The Tempest (Stormen) with the class. We're reading Shakespeare in our Swedish class (if you didn't know) so our teacher thought it was a good opportunity to see a Shakespeare play.
I was actually thinking of going to see it myself, but didn't really had anyone to see it with me. XD It was in Swedish so it was alot easier to understand (for you who remebered when we watched Macbeth in English!). It was funny after all it is a Comedy. I really liked Gonzales, the counselor, the man playing him was really cool.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Group Hug!!

Madness, madness! That's how my brain have been today. There was not 2 minutes I didn't think of the trailer. The Camp Rock trailer! X')

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! and a little bit more, is what I got to say (you mean scream?)
I knew the trailer was coming out soon but I didn't remember the exact date, and today when I quickly finished a homework and checked my usual (JB) sites, I see that someone had uploaded the trailer already. I started to hyperventilate! Loading...loading.....
Tears were streaming down my cheeks I couldn't control it. Where could all the extra happiness and desire possible be contained? I felt like exploding.
Just a week before they released a bunch of new Camp Rock pictures and I have hardly melted that yet and in the middle of everything comes the trailer. Shit. I watched it again and more tears comes streaming down. I pull myself together and have to litterally drag myself to school or I'd stay home and watch the trailer again and again.

I couldn't wait for school to end so that I could watch it again and scream or whatever I needed to do, to get all these feelings out!
So with that off course my arguing Speech went pretty bad. When I finally found something to argue about and came up with pretty good arguments, I screw it course.
And sorry for an entirely uninteresting blog post...... ^^'

Picture of the day:

Release me from this madness!

Sunday 6 April 2008

Things you call a girl you don't like

Haya! Another week-end over and it's sad as ever. (I think I've written that before..?) New layout guys! I had some really hard time finding one that had everything I wanted and still a bit nice. XD Anyway hope you like it!

I woke up this morning, I don't know exactly what the time was but really early in the morning I'd guess. I woke up from that someone was yelling outside, I'm sure if it was the neighbour (I live in an apartment) or if it was someone out in the yard, but it was a girl. I figured out she was on the phone, if not the one she was talking to never spoke back or was very quiet. She was really mad, furious, she was mad at some girl I think because she said....some not very nice words you call girls (you know what I mean). She was really furious, I was seriously afraid I thought she could kill someone I swear. It went on like that for some time now and then she was quiet then think she moved further and had an outbreak she screamed in anger! It was really scary! I think it was something about cheating and boyfriends, I think I heard something like that. Then somehow I fell asleep again.

Another thing, our "good" computer's screen exploded today, no it didn't explode but smoke came out from it. The computer screen had been acting kinda weird lately and today it turned black now and then and it started to blinck then my brother turned it off by the big switch. Then he turned it on again and it made this funny noise and then smoke came out from it and it started to smell, you know computer and something burning smell XD
Now I'm kinda worried for the actual computer, I still have pictures and videos and all that left on it. I've made a list of what to save and upload on the internet. I can not work on Photoshop or Photofiltre on my laptop, that's so wrong. XD

Picture of the day:

Oar 10 bucks, Canoe 50 bucks, Joe in a lifewest, Priceless!

Friday 4 April 2008


Yesterday was totally crazy for me. It went from no chance of going to the concert to maybe and then to definitely GOING! WWUUAAAHHH! I'm so happy! :'D

As you maybe know, I'm gonig to the Copenhagen Avril concert (Jonas Brothers) and even from the beginning when I knew they were coming to Europe that I wanted to see them both in Copenhagen and Stockholm because that was perfectly possible. Bought tickets for Copenhagen first of course. For a while I thought OK that would(should!) be enough with the costs in mind (huhuhu) plus that I didn't know how to work the whole trip, where would I stay and such. Then I realized I REALLY wanted to see them as much as I could and I started to search around for train tickets and asked my friend in Stockholm if I could stay there for a day after the concert.
A couple of weeks ago I found some tickets for 700 SEK back and forth, that meant that including the tickets it would cost a little bit more than 1000 SEK, which is ALOT. More expensive than 2 persons going to the concert in Copenhagen including transport.
It really let me down, I may be a crazy fan but I know my limits. I have all the money and such but I just couldn't tell my parents, not even that I wanted to go.

Then yesterday when my dad picked me up after my violin lesson. I just dropped the bomb. I told him I wanted to go to the concert in Stockholm too, that it would probably cost around 1000 SEK and that I had talked to my friend in Stockholm to make sure that it was ok if I stayed there for one day.
He didn't reject me from the very beginning the fact is he was on the idea. He told me that we still had train coupon things, that we got last summer in return from our train being delayed and stuff. I was like man, this can work!
When I went home I checked if the tickets for the concert were still on sale, it was. Then I checked the train tickets and I couldn't believe my eyes I found tickets for the cheapest price possible for train tickets, it was even on the times I wanted to go. It was like a sign!
I called my friend in Stockholm and asked if it still was all ok for me to come those days and she said Yes. (I was ready to scream out loud there) After that it took me about 5 sec to book all the tickets I needed. XD

Okej, now some random stuff I found lately (mostly for reminding myself). Dates to remember:
17 June The Camp Rock soundtrack release (US)
20 June Camp rock having premiere on Disney Channel (US)
19 August Camp Rock released as DVD(US)
October Camp rock to be shown on Scandinavian Disney Channel

Picture fo the day:

I kept my promise, didn't I?

Wednesday 2 April 2008


Huhu, this is going to be a short one, I promise! Just for keeping ya'll updated. XD

The weather today has been brilliant, it is finally getting warmer. I even tried out my sunglasses (Jonas sunglasses oh-yeah!). They are so cool, you shoudl see them ;) Maybe I'll post a photo some time.

It was a very short school day today which was really nice. I had my laptop with me today because I wanted to fix this internet access in school. I asked the librarian, she told me to find this other person, I go down to this person's room and she wasn't there of course.
Do you know how heavy my laptop is?! Dang! It's about 2-3 kg, it totally killed my back today. Fortunately I took the bike to school today (again! YEAY ME) and I didn't have to wear my backpack. Anyway my friends and I went to the city library (?!) to look for some books for our thousands of projects. It was hte first time I tried my laptop outside the house, huhuhuh, me like. XD

After school I went to the optician, I've wanted to have new glasses for ages now. Kept nagging my dad and now I'm doing a new pair! I had the hardest time choosing a bow though. I simply couldn't decide for one so I took four I liked the best and borrowed them home for further thinking. XD It was not much easier at home, I asked my mum and couple of my friends, I even asked my cousin over at Switzerland. It was kinda fun though, not doing my homework you know. I have tons to do, you know it and I know it. But I just couldn't do it today, I was totally unfocused. Maybe my sister practice working and having no school had some how influenced me, I just wanted to do somethingelse! Craziness! Tomorrow I'll try to do some.
Now I'm lying because after school I'm going to the optician again and then I have violin lesson, but it sounded really good didn't it? I need some counciling! (what's the word?)

Picture of the day:

King's Cross Station, ladies and gentlemen!

Tuesday 1 April 2008

When you think it's lost

Hey you guys! Sorry for blogging so short recently. XD It's been pretty hectic, with new school stuff to do. We've got tons of stuff now!
Finish Shakespeare's Hamlet-having test on Shakespeare, Geography presentation in two weeks-which I started with yesterday XD, French book presentation-still a bit confusing.., History newpaper-still in the beginning and Japanese presentation on japanese historical periods.

Hohohoho, it was more than I thought it was. XD But I still got some weeks to work on some of them so I think I'll manage. XD And now with the big reconstruction of our school, getting information and stuff is pretty hard, since all our (the EU-classes') books are in some locked room away from the construction and 3/4 of the library being a construction wokring place. AArrghhh! I don't know what they thought of really when starting to build in the middle of a school term. Anyway, I've written a longer blog about our school being udner construction here:
It's my blog I write for my school's website, it's in Swedish though but you guys who know Swedish please check it out. :D

Let me review my yesterday!
So it started out with really nice weather, I even decided to take the bike to school. WWIIEE! I was so proud. It's actually faster to take the bike than the bus XD, but it was really nice and calm that morning. I came to school a bit battered and my first lesson was on Pauli! So the search of the right classroom begins. It's true that Pauli is a frickin' labyrinth, it's impossible to find anything there! Well I'm not going to lie and say we didn't find the classroom because we did find it. (miracle?)
Then the school day went past as usual until our last lesson, Geography. We've started this project, it's about doing a research about a optional city (small or big), like the exact position, all it's functions and it's urban area. It's still not very clear to me exactly what the main thing is... XD.
Anyway, due to the difficulties of finding information in the current state of our school me and another friend decided to go home to the computer and search some there instead, and we were going to do it, it wasn't an excuse to skip class.
So I walk down to where my bike was locked. I was about to go when I realized I've lost my iPod. I looked in my jacket, my pockets and my bag. Panic. It was not there. I tried to think where I saw it the last my french class in PAULI! I lock my bike again, I rush over to Pauli. Crap there is no one in the classroom, I went to the nearest staff room and ask the man if he could just quickly open the classroom because I've forgotten my musicplayer in there. He opens up, I look everywhere and I don't find it. Panic a little bit more.

You maybe don't understand but I love my iPod. I have had it for 2 years now, it's the old verision of nano, it'slike my baby. No just kidding but it has sentimental value and I simply can't live without my Jonas Brothers. He...heee.hee..

Back to the story. The man says maybe your teacher has taken it for now, he told me where to find my french teacher. I went up to here (on the 3rd floor) and found her, I said I might have forgotten my musicplayer in the classroom then she quickly goes into the staff room to fetch her purse. I asked her if she had taken it. She hadn't but she would go with me down to classroom to look for it. I don't know why I didn't tell her I already had been there, she was so eager to help me. So we went down there again, I looked all over the place again. Didn't find it.
My teacher wished me luck to find it and I went to my school again, to my locker, maybe it was among my french books. I literally turned my locker inside out and I looked through my bag again. Then.....I reach in to my inside pocket. It had been there all the time!! I had put it there during my french class, now I remember.

Here I've wasted 30 minutes looking for something I had with me all the time.
Yeay me.......