I made it. I made it all to Wembley and back, still in one piece.
I actually started to write this yesterday night when I came home after the concert but I was too tired and exhausted I couldn't finish it. So here goes a second try.
I ended school 15 minutes early and I literly ran back to my place, with excitement as fuel of course XD, made some sandwiches and were off. I took the tube around 15.40 and surprisingly enough everything went well no delays, no suspension, no nothing. So I arrived at Wembley park approx. 16.05. Didn't know where to go really, but luckily there some signs or I could just follow the girls with Camp Rock purses. That's when it hit for the first time that I would be watching the concert ALONE. Alone. People must have thought I was crazy, like weird crazy. XD

I got there, everything went smoothly. The ticketlady looked at my bookingnumber and gave me the ticket. Didn't need to show my bank card (which is a different one from the one I bought the ticket with, since it was stolen), didn't need to see any ID (I even bought my passport with me).
I let out a big sigh and now it as just to wait. I just randomly started to talk with two girls, who turned out to be really nice. But as they didn't have seats near me or even floor seats we had to split up after a while. When I got in line for my door (south west) there were basically only 14 and 10 year olds in the queue. All I heard them talking about was blablalbla Twilight blalbal new Moon blalblalab Taylor Lautner blalbla OMG. Yeah I basically felt like I was from Mars, totally alienated. XD What I also found out was the weird range of people who was going to see the show, from 6 year olds (not kidding) to 60 year olds (again, not kidding). There were all these people like grandmas, fathers, brothers, I was like wait are we waiting for Disney on Ice or something?!XD
Anyway after I've freezed myself half to death it was finally time to get in. Wembley arena is HUGE compared to Annexet and KB hallen. And when I first saw the legendary round stage I basically couldn't breath. It was so beautiful! :') And lucky for me I had gotten a seat on Ryan and Garbo's side of the stage, like YYEEEESSS! XD

The opening act was rubbish just as everyone had said, Girls can't catch, try girls can't sing. XD Then it felt like a 1000 years break before JB came on. They played some good songs on the speakers though, like I've Got You-McFly and I Want You Back-Jackson 5. Unlucky for me, not being super mobbed enough sitting alone, the girls who sat next to me were just pure antisocial. Well, as weird as I must have seemed, it was kinda understandable. XD When Bounce came on the speakers, we went crazy. It was awesome screaming out the lyrics and dancing on the seat at the time. Awesome I tell you. Then it all continued on....
I only have crappy photos since I (originally) was on row 17 and the videos are crap as well, but I'm gonna try find at least some decent one and upload.
This was the setlist:
Thats Just The Way We Roll
Poison Ivy
Hold On
Play My Music;
Joe forgot the lyrics to the second verseFly with Me;
Joe dedicated to all of the girls and if he could he would date every single one of us. Then suggested we couldall go on group date to that square (leicester square) and get Hägen Daz (spelling?) ice-cream
Black Keys / ALBL;
I cried during Nick's speech, before A Little Bit LongerMuch Better
Year 3000
I gotta feelin’ / Tonight;
this must must the most awesome ever. I Gotta Feelin-Black eyed peas fused to Tonight. Genious!
I gotta find you;
Joe brought up a 5 year old girl on stage to sing with himTurn Right;
almost criedWYLMITE ;
they had the music video on screen, cried againSweet Caroline
Still in love with you
Video Girl;
went crazy. Nick playing the drumsBB Good
World War III
Burnin’ Up;
Big Rob coming on rapping. Freakin' awesome